Spuren zukünftiger Erinnerungen (2022)

©Silvui Guiman

„You can hear the first notes. There are moments when memories appear and I realize that they have been with me the whole time. I am in the car with my parents somewhere on the highway between Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. I can't tell where this memory is coming from, how it was created or if it is just a story. This song is separating or uniting us, almost like a distinctive mark. Kling Klang, du und ich die Straßen entlang.“

Concept/ Choreography / Dance Josefine Luka Simonsen

Music Pablo Giw

Mentoring Anna Till

presented at the Open Stage at Tanzwerkstatt Europa 2022, Cheers for Fears Festival 2022 and fünfzehnminuten Festival 2023 of studiobühne Köln


moving through Lipsi


Translucent Surfaces