Translucent Surfaces (2022)

This performance is approaching remembering as a movement inside the body, through bodies, in between times and spaces. Like watching something through a moved water surface the performers are trying to identify a truth and are creating a new one at the same time. Impulsively pictures, sensations, sounds and feelings are becoming present. The five performers are circling around each other, are creating experiences and are sharing realities. A moment is becoming a word a movement a drawing a transmission a performance. A mesh of different perspectives is created, which itself is already becoming something you will remember.

Concept/ Choreography/ Dance Josefine Luka Simonsen

Co-creation / Dance Juri Jaworsky, Juliana Garaycochea, Leandra Hardt, Andrés Patarroyo

Composition David Eliah Bangerter

Photography / Installation Nathan Pramudiya Ishar

Mentoring Miriam Althammer

for the video documentation of the whole performance please contact me

All images: © Nathan Ishar


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